domingo, 22 de abril de 2007


bueno... este proyecto fue algo tedioso pero a la vez tuvo sus ratos de diversión. En cuanto al blog creo que no me fue muy bien porque siempre olvidaba subirlos y se me hacía algo aburrido hacerlo.
Y el proyecto pense que sería muy aburrido pero resulto ser algo divertido, bueno hasta cierto punto porque al final hubo unos problemillas, pero durante la filmación nos divertimos mucho.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007

murder we wrote

well this weekend we started to film our video and we had some fun while we were filming but it is kind of stressing because some scenes took a long time to be done, because we were joking.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007


Newton's law of Cooling

1.       What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?   It is a technique used when in
an experimental observation the environment is affecting the temperature of a
body and they compare the temperature of the environment with the one of the body.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the
Newton’s Law of Cooling? Temperature of the environment, temperature of the
body, hour of the observation,

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
About 25 minutes before the murder

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death? Because it
changes the temperature of the body and it is used to know the time of dead

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death? Because the
temperature of the body changes when there is an illness

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for
predicting the time of death? I don't really know but I think that it is very

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Murder we wrote..

Team's Name: Los Simpsons
Members:Juan Salvador-Forensic Scientist
Alejandra Barba-Journalist
José Alejandro-Media Expert
Luis Francisco-Math Expert

1. What is forensic science?
Science of solving crime and how it is related to law

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
1. Corporal evidence, that present in the body.2. Environmental and associated evidence, that present in the vicinity of the body.3. Anamnestic evidence, that based on the deceased's ordinary habits, movements, and day to day activities.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because the development of post mortem changes are strongly influenced by unpredictable endogenous and environmental factors and to find some suspects.

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
The rate method. Measuring the change produced by a process which takes place at a known rate which was either initiated or stopped by the event under investigation death. The change in body temperature, and the degree of putrefaction of the body.The concurrence method. Comparing the occurrence of events which took place at known times with the time of occurrence of the event under investigation, a watch stopped by a blow during an assault, the extent of digestion of the last known meal.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
Temperature, environment, climate.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
By changing the temperature of the body time after the death, the bugs that decompose the body

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
Abdominal, oral, axillary, per rectum, and it can change a little the temperature but not to make any difference

Blaise Pascal

We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others...

Pascal con esta frase trataba de decir que nosotros debemos de comprobar siempre lo que los otros nos dicen y que así creeremos que es verdad porque muchas veces la gente suele inventar o exagerar las cosas

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Martin Luther King
With this quote I understand that Martin Luther King was trying to say that everyone should express how they feel about what is going on in the world because we are part of a community and the day that we don't express ourselves because we aren't using our rights